A heart to heart conversation with Shelley who is missing Emma Fillipoff’s mom! A very special and sincere mom who is searching for her beautiful daughter who has been missing since 2012. Emma Fillipoff was born on January 6, 1986 and is a Canadian woman who was only 26 years old when she disappeared. Emma was last seen in the immediate vicinity of the Empress Hotel in Victoria, British Columbia, between 7:00-8:00pm on Nov 28th 2012.
EMMA’S PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION AT TIME OF DISAPPEARANCE Height: 5’5 / Weight: 90-110 lbs / Hair: Light Brown
Her red Mazda MPV 1993 van was found in the Chateau Victoria parking lot with almost all her belongings in it, including her passport, library card, digital camera, clothes, a pillow, assorted ornaments, laptop, and recently-borrowed library books. Emma was in emotional distress, fragile and vulnerable.
If You Have Any Information On Emma’s Whereabouts Please Call
Crime Stoppers @ 1-800-222-TIPS(8477)
Contact the Victoria Police Department
non-emergency number at 250-995-7654
850 Caledonia Ave, Victoria, B.C. V8T 5J8
Shelley’s email fillipoff@hotmail.com
Contact Us/Tips www.canihelpfindyourmissinglovedone.com

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