Loved One’s are Desperately Searching for Missing Laynee Westbrook, last seen at the Chevron gas station in Anacortes, Washington on September 10th, 2020

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I just finished interviewing missing Laynee Westbrook’s best friend, Michelle Hanson. They have been best friends since grade ten and Laynee was also Michelle’s maid of honour at her wedding. Michelle speaks from her heart about the amazing memories they shared together. Reminiscing the fun times from Metallica and AC/DC concerts to the sad and scary facts of Laynee’s recent disappearance.
Laynee was last seen on September 10th, 2020 at the Chevron gas station in Anacortes, Washington. She was wearing a black shirt, blue jeans & white sandals. She has big beautiful hazel eyes and such a friendly smile.
We don’t know what really happened to Laynee on September 10th, or where she is today. We need the public’s help. We are asking if anyone knows the truth about the disappearance of Laynee Westbrook and her Rat Terrier Dog, named Precious, please contact the Anacortes Police Department at 360-293-4684 or the APD Tip Line at 360-299-1985. Case #20-A06084.
There is $10,000 reward.
Laynee’s family and friends desperately need her back. Let’s all work together as a team to help for this happen.
DOB January 31, 1979 / Height is 5’9/ Weighs 120 pounds.
A Special Thank You to Gil Alba, Former NYPD Detective and Private Investigator in New York who brought this missing persons’ case to my attention.
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Please click on the link below for an NBC news article with details about the disappearance of Laynee Westbrook.