~Heather Speaks About The Disappearance of Her Only Son Ryan Shtuka Who Mysteriously Vanished on February 17, 2018 in the Ski Resort Village of Sun Peaks, BC, Canada
On February 17, 2018, Ryan Shtuka was at a house party in Sun Peaks BC and hasn’t been seen or heard from since. This was Ryan’s first time ever away from home on his own. This was out of his comfort zone – he wanted to try a new adventure. Unfortunately this wasn’t an adventure, this was the beginning of a very sad nightmare for Ryan and everyone who loves him. Heather explains from her heart what they have been through since her son Ryan disappeared. Something just doesn’t add up. How does a young and healthy bright eyed boy just vanish into thin air?
When Heather received the phone call that her precious son Ryan was reported missing, they immediately drove 9.5 hours to Sun Peaks, British Columbia to search for him. In this interview you will hear Heather explain the heartache they have been going through and what she feels could have happened to her missing son. Ryan’s dad’s name is Scott and he has two sisters, Jordyn and Julianna. The Shtuka family miss and love Ryan so much!
Immediately after the interview, I felt sad and worried about what could have happened to Ryan and where he is today. Why won’t people speak up? The public can see this family hurting so much, searching non stop and people continue to stay quiet. I am positive there are certain individuals who know what happened to Ryan. One of the saddest things that can happen to a family is to have a child go missing.
I admire how Heather is continuously pushing her missing son’s case as she searches for him and for answers. I have seen many beautiful videos that were created with photographs of Ryan since he went missing. Ryan’s family, friends and now strangers love him very much and this is obvious in all the posts I have read about missing Ryan Shtuka.
Where is he? What really happened to Ryan Shtuka that night he went missing? Someone has to know the truth out there and we are asking you to come forward with that information.
Ryan is 6’ feet tall with a lean build at the time of his disappearance. He has blond hair, brown eyes, and weighed 180 pounds. He was last seen wearing dark jeans, a grey/white shirt, blue coat and a burgundy ball cap. When I look at Ryan’s photographs, I see a young man who had his entire life in front of him. Sparkling bright eyes and a beautiful smile. It hurts me to know he is a missing person.
If anyone knows what really happened to Ryan Shtuka back on February 17th, 2018 please call in that information immediately.
Kamploops Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) 1-250-828-3000
Crime Stoppers 1-800-222-8477 1-800-222-TIPS.
A website is setup for Ryan www.ryanshtuka.com
Facebook Group also has been set up: MISSING: RYAN SHTUKA
www.ryanshtuka.com for detailed information and how you can help #findryanshtuka
www.canihelpfindyourmissinglovedone.com under TIPS (we will forward the information to Ryan’s mom)

Please click on the link below to listen to this podcast episode.
Click on the links below for information regarding Ryan Shtuka.