Diana Trepkov you are so kind. It is the tragedies in life that jumpstart a spark to move forward and carry on to try and help make a difference to help others. You have done so much with the forensic art talents God has given you to help so many including our family. In addition the podcasts to bring forward cases . God certainly has given a purpose with opportunities and you excepted. Thank you.
There are few people in the missing persons field that are here for the long haul. I have witnessed hundreds over the years come and go, it could be burn out, overwhelmed or a variety of reasons.
One person who stands firm is Diana Trepkov. Her talent she brings to the arena is so much needed and few are in her league. Forensic artist provide comfort to a family reaching out to obtain a glimpse of what their loved one could look like. It helps to capture those who commit a crime, but more importantly it offers those without a face or name the opportunity to be claimed, to be found and to go home.
Anytime I have called upon Diana to aid in a case the answer is yes. There have been times we have needed her at a moments notice, she was there. She has flown at our request to North Carolina, America from Ontario, Canada to aid in our effort to give a child a sketch who was missing decades and never had a photo. She has sat in my home to provide drawings that could lead to a recovery. One year at our conference she worked days to sketch a memory of an abducted infant and possible suspect, none had been provided in the years passed.
There have been too many times to recall every case, however Diana is still here, standing strong. Crafting her talent to be better and supporting the familes left behind that need her help.
Kudos to your new endeavor with the podcast.
~ From myself and the CUE Center for Missing Persons. Monica Caison, Founder 1994
Thank you for your years of dedication and friendship.
Hi Diana!
First, I want to say thank you for the work you do. I’m always following missing persons cases and I have to say, what you do for people is just wonderful. Second, I really appreciate the opportunity and platform you’ve given to my darling husband. I have always believed he is destined for big things, he has such a natural way of healing people — which you have been witness to! I truly enjoy listening to your podcast, as well as the conversations you and Mark have and where it leads. The two of you have great compassion and love for others, something we don’t see enough of. I certainly hope you and Mark team up on some more projects, you make a fantastic team! I can’t say thank you enough. I hope all is well, and I look forward to seeing more of your success!
Diana is not only one of the leading forensic artists in North America but brings a level of empathy and kindness to her work. When Diana commits to a forensic art project, she doesn’t just bring her high caliber skills to drawing a missing person but also brings her heart to capture the true essence of the person. Diana is the light and heart in sad, dark situations in our society. Her determination, fortitude and positive attitude provide hope to many in their time of deepest need.
Sarah Calderwood
Helena’s HopeI have read my children each of Diana’s books because I know they have the important and positive messages we need to flood our children with to counteract the barrage of negativity in our society today.
Sarah Calderwood
“It is true of her tragic story that I’ve met the most amazing people in my life you are definitely one of those”.
Debbie Corley Klingler
“Angels of Justice’ for Angie Housman
Speaks from the heart to my heart!
Diana has a way of asking all the right questions and gets right to the heart of the matter. She is full of compassion and you can tell she really cares for each and every guest. She is not afraid to show her feelings as it’s evident when she gets emotional. The love she has for people and her love for her forensic art truly shines through, which makes “Can I Help Find Your Missing Loved One?” the best true crime podcast out there.
Well done Diana & Marty!~Colleen Rhodes
Hi Diana,
I would like to thank you from the bottom of my heart for drawing the age progression picture of my mom (Jane Bui). Each day that goes by I wonder what she would look like now, it has been almost 24 years since I have last seen her. You have given me the answer that I need. When I saw the age progression picture I was very emotional and cried. I now know what she would look like today. When I walk around I always look at people to see if maybe it is my mom. With your age progression picture that helps me know who I am looking for when I look in a crowd. My family is very grateful for you and your talents. Everyone was very pleased with the picture. They said it fits her just right. They think that is what she would look like today as well. Thank you again for helping us!
Thank you!Janette Bui
Hi Diana, I want to thank you for being there for me and many others who had missing or murdered loved ones. You have a heart of gold. I received the card of comfort from you today. As we discussed before my sister Janet Henry was missing and end up on that Robert Pickton Farm. I suffer PTSD. As you know. I will continue to write my book. I hope it will help other women who have been through everything I’ve had to endure. Especially loosing a child. My boy was 23. I miss him everyday.
I will talk to you again soon. Keep the good work up.
A friend…Sandra Gagnon
I have known Diana Trepkov for just over 18 years and I am sincerely honoured to call her my friend. I first met Diana while working at York Regional Police in the Forensic Unit. Diana left to pursue her career in Forensic Art.
I have never met anyone as passionate to help others. She not only helped several police services with Facial Reconstructions, Enhancements and Age Progressions but she helped hundreds of civilians in trying to find their loved ones.
Diana is a true professional that has sterling integrity and one of the biggest hearts I’ve known!
Diana has touched so many people’s lives through FB and now adding the Podcast to help families find their loved ones.
She Never Gives Up!
Xo Love You
Trish Michaud, Detective (Ret.)
York Regional Police Service
I have known Diana for most of my life. We are childhood friends since the age of 6 years old. I can honestly say Diana is one of the most kind, compassionate and thoughtful people I have ever had the pleasure of knowing and spending time with. Even though there were times in Diana’s life that were difficult, she always found time and room in her heart to help others. She always reminded herself that there were others worse off and to remain humble and thankful for the small things in life. Whether it was making sandwiches and delivering clothes to the homeless or lending an ear and a shoulder to cry on to a hurting friend-Diana would be there regardless of what was going on in her own life. The podcast “Can I Help Find Your Missing Loved One?” is Diana’s continued life long quest to offer support and a voice for those struggling to be heard. It is raw, emotional and a very important tool to help in the family’s search for answers about their missing loved ones.
Diana is an inspiration and guiding light to all those around her. Proud to call her my friend.
Pam Lindsay Earhart
“The podcast series ‘Can I Help Find Your Missing Loved One’, produced and hosted by forensic artist Diana Trepkov, features interviews with family members of missing persons. With kindness, compassion, and empathy, Diana listens to the heartbreaking stories of families who have lost loved ones, and her deep connection to these families and her strong desire to help them are reflected in these conversations. Her podcasts also include interviews with law enforcement personnel and other experts who provide information on a number of topics, including search and rescue, how to protect your child, and the emerging field of genetic genealogy.”
Anne Keenleyside (co-author and collaborator with Diana on research related to the 1845 Franklin expedition)
Associate Professor, Dept. of Anthropology, Trent University
Listening to “Someone Knows Something”…..idk but your empathy and just all-around caring about the people is very obvious. Too often I see the opposite….someone just doing the job for the sake of doing the job. Thank you for bringing heart to what you do.
~Joshua Ashford
This podcast goes beyond catchy headlines. The host explores missing persons cases from a fresh perspective and includes some interesting guests to add context. She is heartfelt and you can tell she’s passionate about her work as a forensic artist.
Would definitely recommend!!!
“A very big thank you Diana Trepkov, you are truly an inspiration to so many families. Your love and support is greatly appreciated, thanks once more.”~Missing Shelley-Anne Bacsu’s Mom, Muriel Bacsu
Good morning Angel,
I would like to take the time, just to say how amazing it was for me to speak on “Can I Help Find Your Missing Loved One?” Podcast with Diana Trepkov. She made it possible for millions to hear our story after 19 years that our Daughter Edna Elaine Piercey, is still missing. It’s amazing how other people in other countries care, but people in our own country does not care one bit.
Thank you Diana Trepkov for the amazing things you do for other people to find their missing loved one.
Janine Windell Lottering (mom of missing Edna Elaine Piercey)
Diana, what you are doing with your podcast “Can I help find your missing loved one” is so important on so many different levels. First and foremost it gives family members a platform to bring their missing loved ones into the forefront in hopes that someone will come forward with information that big or small could make all the difference for their families investigation. It helps the family keep their loved ones memory alive and gives the family hope that someone, somewhere knows something and will come forward. Your podcast is a place for families to share their story of never giving up hope in their searches, to hear the impact it has had on the family and to remember the victims that need to come home so their families can begin to heal and get some closure. Noreen Greenley was 13 years old, just 4 months into being a teenager, with her whole life ahead of her. That was stolen, she was robbed of her youth, her future and with that so was her family. Trauma, tragedy and despair followed after Noreen went missing. Noreen was a daughter, a sister, someone’s friend, a teammate and our aunt. Noreen is out there, we just want her home so she can be laid to rest with her family. Thank you for all you do, for inviting us to share Noreen’s story and for helping us Keep Noreen in the forefront. You truly are a kind and compassionate soul. Your kindness and support to our family has been greatly appreciated.
With Love and Respect Mandy Jones
Thank you Diana Trepkov. I appreciate this so much. You’re a blessing.
This is a podcast interview I did with Diana about Christina on her show called, Can I Help You Find Your Missing Loved One.
Listen to it and share please. She’s done an awesome job. There’s pics and info about Christina Whittaker case in this link.
Please pray also it’ll help lead us to her. Someone knows!!!!
An Advocate for the Missing
If you enjoy real crime, victim advocacy, and a personal hostess, then Diana Trepkov’s podcast is a must listen to. Her compassion, concern, and desire to help bring the missing home is only surpassed by her genuine talent and gift to help and encourage.
Lisa Buske (missing Heidi Allen’s sister)
Diana Trepkov has a passion for supporting the families of missing persons and provides great assistance to law enforcement in support of these investigations. This podcast provides a unique perspective from a variety of sources, from investigators to parents of missing persons. These diverse perspectives provide the listener with a broad spectrum of information relating to missing persons cases. It also delivers information and support to families of missing loved ones, which enhances their well-being. Diana is professional, compassionate, knowledgeable and caring, which makes her the perfect person to host this podcast.
Murray Rose, Detective Constable
Durham Regional Police Service
I have known Diana for over 20 years.
She is relentless to be her best. She breathes positivity, compassion. empathy and she has the ability to relate to people. She helps families to find answers to their questions and aims to raise awareness of family members who have gone missing. This is a must listen to podcast. Her conversations with the families are tearful and authentic.
Her passion to help is never ending.
Sue B.
Thumbs up
Thank you for all you do for missing people. I feel your kindness through your words and can tell you are a good person. I so hope everyone can get some closure. Very happy you did an episode especially on Charles Horvath Allan as I’ve been following his case for a few years and am heartbroken for his mother.
Diane, as a mother of a missing child I just wanted to say thank you for starting this. It’s interesting to hear perspectives from other families and the episode with Gil was inspiring. Some of the things he said really hit home for me. Just knowing that the thoughts and feelings I have are common and simply put I’m not alone in my grief. You are truly a blessing to so many.
Amazing Podcast!
Number one podcast for true crime worldwide cases. Every interview is extremely unique and informative. You can tell Diane is extremely passionate and dedicated to each case. Helping missing loved ones to current day-to-day information from the true crime experts themselves.
Thank you Diane for all of your hard work.
I have known Diana for over a decade. I must say she is a very dedicated, hard-working and special person. Her enduring efforts and dedication as a forensic artist have been recognized worldwide. I am so proud to also see her success in her continued efforts in searching for missing loved ones through the unique and passionate way she presents the podcast. Her podcast “Can I help find your missing loved one” is by far achieving it’s goal in supporting families and bringing in experts to help solve missing persons cases. It is by far one of best true crime podcasts currently out there.
Congratulations to Diana while despite these challenging times she has been able to continue her efforts and successfully support and reach out to people all over the world!!!! Proving that there is still hope and that people like herself genuinely do care. So thankful for people like Diana . Her faithfulness and dedication never ends.
Christina Solomos
I thoroughly enjoy listening to Diana Trepkov’s Podcast “Can I Help Find Your Missing Loved One”. It is very well done and produced by Diana and her team. Diana and her guests are wonderful people and after hearing the podcasts, I feel much better about what is going on in the world because they give me hope and understanding that good will always win. These podcasts are also interesting and inspirational. She has an engaging interview style when speaking with her guests – families of missing loved ones and experts in law enforcement. Diana’s candor and observations, and those of her guests, make me feel like they are all sharing some very personal information with me about the emotions and important investigative work involved in finding a missing loved one. Diana Trepkov is an amazing woman who has accomplished so much in her forensic art career and service to others. I recommend the “Can I Help Find Your Missing Loved One” podcasts to everyone!
Best regards,
Marian Bournas, Law Clerk
“Diana thank you so much for doing these podcasts on the mystery surrounding David and his friends – these are vital to us to have a chance of reaching a final resolution. Just as important, these are a strong support of all of family members left behind and we are so grateful to you for doing this for us and other families who are similarly suffering.”
Warm regards and love,
Bill Madott, loving father of missing David Madott (Season 2, Episode 1&2, “Can I Help Find Your Missing Loved One?”)Vanished in the Gulf of Mexico on November 4th, 1994.
This is an interview I did a few weeks ago about my sister, Gina BOS. She’s been missing for 20 years. It’s hard to believe, but it’s reality.
Diana Trepkov has been kind enough to feature GINAs story. She’s a true warrior for missing people. If a missing persons disappearance does not have all of the media friendly components their story is seldom heard, if at all. Before Gina vanished, I thought that the only people missing were those featured on the news. Sadly, once my sister disappeared I learned the truth. Every time you share a post about a missing person you are boosting their chances of being found and/or their case being solved. We didn’t have social media in 2000, but we do now. Your shares do make a difference and people are found because you took a moment to read, watch, listen and ultimately, share. Thank you for 20 years of support.
I just wanted to take a moment to commend Diana Trepkov on her podcast, “Can I help you find your missing loved one?” Diana is driven to understand all facets of death and how to help people glean their own concept of acceptance when death strikes their family. Diana supplies us all with an outlet to talk about complex philosophies of death in a comforting nonjudgmental way. The world needs more people like Diana!
-Dr. Mark E. Bailey, MorticianDr. Mark E. Bailey, Ed.D., LM, CT, CFSP
You are an amazing person, what you do means a lot to these families. I pray everyday for all the missing, endangered, suppressed, and abused people in our world. Bless you for giving these peoples story an outlet to be told.
Michelle Hanson
best friend of missing Laynee Westbrook and her dog Precious
Thank you Diana for having me on your show you are such a loving and caring person, I can see your passion in what you do, know you care about people. I had no pictures of Raymond as a baby until you did the sketch it means the world to me. You really made a difference in my life from the first day I met you. Much success with your show. I really appreciate your expertise. I know that is not a easy thing to do. God Bless You.
Lov u, Donna Green, Abducted Baby Raymonds mom
Diana, thank you beautiful for giving a voice to the missing and murdered. You give victims and family hope and closure. Those are gifts beyond materialistic, they are heart and soul treasures.
God bless you
Tania VanNorman

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.